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Potluck Productions | Women's words, theatre for life...
Our Next Show!
Spring Show: All Are Welcome
Sunday, March 16, 3:00 p.m.
$5 at the door.
Playwrights: Ginger Cawley, Allison Fradkin, Stephanie Marie Gladbach, Kathleen Maule Holen, Courtney Honors
Actors: Br. John Anderson, Jared Cash, Glendora Davis, Bonita Hanson, Florence Matina, Hank Rector, Suzette Woods, Lezlie Zucker
Music: Lezlie Revelle Zucker
Directed by: Joyce Slater
*some adult content
Reading Location
Congregation Beth Torah
6100 W 127th Street
Overland Park, KS 66209
(on 127th, between Metcalf & Nall)
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